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Humane Society of Grand Bahama

Humane Society of Grand 
            Bahama logo
The Humane Society of Grand Bahama (HSGB) was founded in 1968 to provide safe harbour for the island's homeless and abused animals. We are the only animal welfare organization on the island, which encompasses 530 square miles and has the Bahamas' second largest urban area (Freeport). The island's human population is more than 50,000.

HSGB is committed to alleviating animal over-population and suffering on our island. Thanks to our Mission: Potcake Spay/Neuter project, “Operation Puppy Lift”, and ongoing education and community outreach initiatives, we are making a visible difference. Though we are not yet able to save every one of the over 1,400 animals we take in annually, in the last six years we have reduced our euthanasia rate by over 25%. We look forward to a day in the near future when the only animals euthanized are those too sick or injured to be treated.

Please take a few minutes to browse through our website and learn more about us and our beloved potcakes and potcats!

Our Cats

The majority of our cats are of domestic short hair, locally referred to as "Potcats." For those with busy schedules, cats can be the purr-fect pet. They don't require as much attention as dogs do, and as a big bonus, they come already house trained. All our cats are litter trained. All they require from you is to keep their litter box in a quiet private area, and to keep it clean for them.

Cats are happy to see you when you come home, but they are also quite capable of entertaining themselves (i.e. mostly napping) during your long work or school days. Make sure they have plenty of clean fresh water, a little dry kibble, and can't escape through a window or door, and they will be fine.

For entertainment and relaxation purposes, you can't beat the antics of a cat. Having a cat for a companion is good for the soul and good for your health. Your daily stresses melt away in the company of your cat.

Available Cats »

Our Dogs

The majority of our dogs are of mixed breeds, locally referred to as "Potcakes." This name is derived from a popular dish here, peas and rice. The "cake" that sticks to the bottom of the pot was usually thrown into the yard for the dogs (and in many cases, it still is). Potcakes are an officially recognized breed in the Bahamas!

Potcakes typically have smooth, short fur with little or no undercoat, cocked ears, a hound-like rib cage and long terrier-shaped faces. More rare are the shaggy or rough-coated Potcakes. The "typical" Potcake is brown, but colors range from party (brindle) to black, white, cream, yellow, and red. Adults stand about 24 inches high at the shoulder. Once healthy, normal adult weight is between 40 and 60 pounds, although both smaller and larger do occur.

Please make a difference and save the life of a truly unique and WONDERFUL Potcake!

Available Dogs »

Visit Our Secondhand Shop!

Information on Second Hand shop

The Humane Society of Grand Bahama is very happy to report that our Secondhand shop is open.

The shop is entirely run by volunteers and 100% of the proceeds goes directly to our dogs, cats and other saved animals.

Thank you everyone and we look forward to seeing you at the shop.